The media gave her a pass on something that she said which I yelled at the television about. HUGE LIE that nobody called her on the carpet for. We have 100% energy independence. This is not even close to true! Here is a note for an oil guy in South Texas.
This is a quote from an oil executive in south Texas who was instrumental in developing Eagleford Shale Oil Field (major new oil field in South Texas & Mexico).
Ok. So I think I just heard the biggest LIE I have ever heard in a debate. And if HRC really believes what she said then that just shows beyond a shadow of a doubt how stupid and out of touch with reality she is. She said, and I quote, ” for the first time EVER as a country, we are now ENERGY INDEPENDENT”. I hope that whomever reads my post sends this to everyone in their Facebook and everyone in their email contacts. The absolute facts are this:
1. We use 18,000,000 barrels of oil every day in this country. Of that total we IMPORT 10,000,000 barrels every day from foreign countries. a vast majority of this number from the Middle East.
2. Over 1,000,000 jobs have been lost in the past 2 years in the energy industry because we are so DEPENDENT on foreign oil they can do whatever they want. And because they know they have us by the throat they lowered the price of oil for the sole purpose of putting domestic oil and gas companies out of business. Over 1,000,000 energy jobs were lost and the “ripple effect” from that is millions of other jobs that directly benefit from a robust domestic energy industry.
3. The Iran deal allowed 1,500,000 barrels of “additional oil” to be sold on the world grid. Thus adding to the foreign total and further endangering domestic companies.
4. The EPA is strangling the life out of the domestic energy industry. They do this with restrictive regulations and by closing down huge areas of domestic land to energy exploration. The revenue derived from developing this land could pay off the national debt in 10 years and truly makes us INDEPENDENT from foreign oil.
5. Wind and solar are a joke. The projects are only viable economically because the government subsidizes every solar panel and every windmill built. If you took all the energy created from wind and solar it would only amount to .7% of all the energy put into the grid currently. That’s right… less than 1% of our daily energy demand and it costs billions of $$ in government funding!!!
The liberals care more about their fictional “climate change ” theory than they do trying to solve our energy DEPENDENCE on countries that HATE us and use the same $$$ we pay them to purchase oil to buy guns, bullets, missiles and bombs to kill us with. They know that our entire country would come to a screaming halt if they quit selling us oil and we lost that 10,000,000 barrels a day that currently power our country.
The media will avoid this like the plague because it was such a moronic and out of touch statement that makes HRC look like she has no idea what’s going on and has no concept of reality. I was absolutely shocked she made such a stupid statement.
We have enough known reserves of oil, natural gas and coal to power this country for the next 500 years if we only had someone in Washington that actually knew what the hell is going own in the energy industry. HRC is a perfect example of the stupidity of our current leadership.
Please send this to EVERYONE YOU CAN.
VOTE TRUMP! At least he understands the problems!!!!